

Zimmermann, Katharina (2019): Local policies and the European Social Fund. Bristol: Policy Press. (Abstract)


Rice, Deborah/Fuertes, Vanesa/Monticelli, Lara (2018): Does Individualized Employment Support Deliver What Is Promised? Findings from Three European Cities. International Social Security Review 71(4), 91-109. (Abstract)


Aurich-Beerheide, Patrizia/Zimmermann, Katharina (2017): Soziale Dienstleistungen für Arbeitslose. Zeitschrift für Sozialreform/Journal of Social Policy Research 63(2), 247-274. (Abstract)

Bengtsson, Mattias/De la Porte, Caroline/Jacobsson, Kerstin (2017): Labour Market Policy under Conditions of Permanent Austerity: Any Sign of Social Investment? Social Policy & Administration 51(2), 367-388. (Abstract)

Jacobsson, Kerstin/Hollertz, Katarina/Garsten, Christina (2017): Local Worlds of Activation: The Diverse Pathways of Three Swedish Municipalities. Nordic Social Work Research, Ahead of Print, 4 January 2017. doi: 10.1080/2156857X.2016.1277255. (Abstract)

Sztandar-Sztanderska, Karolina (2016). Obywatel spotyka państwo: O urzędach pracy jako biurokracji pierwszego kontaktu. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar. (Abstract)


Heidenreich, Martin/Rice, Deborah (eds) (2016): Integrating Social and Employment Policies in Europe: Active Inclusion and Challenges for Local Welfare Governance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (Abstract)

Zimmermann, Katharina (2016): Local Responses to the European Social Fund: A Cross-City Comparison of Usage and Change. Journal of Common Market Studies, Early View, 14 June 2016. (Abstract)


Aurich-Beerheide, Patrizia/Catalano, Serida L./Graziano, Paolo R./Zimmermann, Katharina (2015): Stakeholder participation and policy integration in local social and employment policies: Germany and Italy compared. Journal of European Social Policy 25 (4), 379-392. (Abstract)

Catalano, Serida L./Graziano, Paolo R./Bassoli, Matteo (2015): Devolution and local cohesion policy: Bureaucratic obstacles to policy integration in Italy. Journal of Social Policy, FirstView Article, published online 19 May 2015. DOI: 10.1017/S0047279415000239 (Abstract)

Fuertes, Vanesa/Lindsay, Colin (2015): Personalization and Street-level Practice in Activation: The Case of the UK's Work Programme. Public Administration, Early View, 28 Dec. 2015 (Abstract)

Trivellato, Benedetta/Bassoli, Matteo/Catalano, Serida L. (2015): Can Quasi-Market and Multi-Level Governance Co-Exist? Insights from the Case of Lombardy’s Employment Services System. Social Policy & Administration, Early View, 4 November 2015. (Abstract)


Bengtsson, Mattias (2014): Towards standby-ability: Swedish and Danish activation policies in flux. International Journal of Social Welfare 23, Supplement 1, S54-S70. (Abstract)

Berthet, Thierry/Bourgeois, Clara (2014): Towards 'activation-friendly' integration? Assessing the progress of activation policies in six European countries. International Journal of Social Welfare 23, Supplement 1, S23-S39. (Abstract)

Fuertes, Vanesa/Jantz, Bastian/Klenk, Tanja/McQuaid, Ronald (2014): Between cooperation and competition: The organisation of employment service delivery in the UK and Germany. International Journal of Social Welfare 23, Supplement 1, S71-S86. (Abstract)

Heidenreich, Martin/Aurich-Beerheide, Patrizia (2014): European worlds of inclusive activation: The organisational challenges of coordinated service provision. International Journal of Social Welfare 23, Supplement 1, S6-S22. (Abstract)

Heidenreich, Martin/Graziano, Paolo R. (2014): Lost in activation? The governance of activation policies in Europe. International Journal of Social Welfare 23, Supplement 1, S1-S5. (Abstract)

Zimmermann, Katharina/Graziano, Paolo R./Aurich, Patrizia/Fuertes, Vanesa (2014): Local worlds of marketization: Employment policies in Germany, Italy and the UK compared. Social Policy & Administration 48 (2), 127-148. (Abstract)


Rice, Deborah (2013): Street-level bureaucrats and the welfare state: Toward a micro-institutionalist theory of policy implementation. Administration and Society 45 (9), 1038-1062. (Abstract)


Graziano, Paolo R. (2012): Converging worlds of activation? Activation policies and governance in Europe and the role of the EU. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 32 (5/6), 312-326. (Abstract)

Künzel, Sebastian (2012): The local dimension of active inclusion policy. Journal of European Social Policy 22 (1), 3-16. (Abstract)


Aurich, Patrizia (2011): Activating the unemployed: Directions and divisions in Europe. European Journal of Social Security 13 (3), 294-316. (Abstract)

Aurich, Patrizia (2011): Activation reforms and the middle class: Attitudes in a European comparison. German Review of Social Policy / Sozialer Fortschritt 60, 295-302. (Abstract)


Bassoli, Matteo (2010): Local governance arrangements and democratic outcomes (with some evidence from the Italian case). Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration, and Institutions 23 (3), 485-508. (Abstract)